Thursday, 2 October 2014


ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE can be defined as an architectural philosophy that promotes harmony between human habitation and the natural world through design approaches that fully integrates man-made structures into its environment to become a unified whole. It is the kind of architecture that encourages harmonious living between man, man-made structure and the natural environment in other to create a functional and peaceful ecosystem.

In WRIGHT’S WORDS; “I’ll like to have a free architecture, I’d like to have architecture that belong where you see it standing as a grace to the landscape instead of a
disgrace”, one could say Organic Architecture simply means having building designs that complement the natural environment to create a perfect whole.

In Organic Architecture, a building creates a unified space that appears to grow naturally out of the ground and function like a cohesive organism where each part of the design relates to the whole.

Organic Architecture fully incorporate natural elements in a harmonious way into the building design thus bringing the building and the occupants closer to nature.

Organic Architecture goes beyond merely GREEN but also describes a way of thinking about design that transcends the common everyday buildings around us.

The idea of organic architecture refers not only to the building’s literal relationship to the natural surroundings but how the buildings’ design is carefully thought about as if it were a unified organism, it involves also, the literal design of every element of a building from the floor to the windows, to the individual furniture intended to fill the interior space, every part of the building relates to one another thus reflecting the symbiotic ordering systems of nature.

It is not a style rather an approach to solving design problems; it follows the design process of nature by adapting each building into its site, climate, and set of available materials.

Any building designed with the principles of organic architecture is called ORGANIC BUILDING

Organic Buildings are not designed to forcefully impose themselves on the environment or to make the man-made structure look like a terrorist or as an alien in the natural surroundings but they are designed to be GRACE to the landscape and an harmonious blend into the environment.


Environmental terrorism in the context of this article is defined as any act that pose a threat to the natural environment through designing, planning and constructing man-made structures that are not environmentally friendly or in harmony with natural elements. It is an attack on the natural environment that might not necessarily be done with guns, bomb or missile E.t.c. but by simply endangering nature by using design approach that are not in sync with nature to solve environmental problems.


By addressing environmental concerns through making provision for unified relationship between man-made structures and the natural environments and also by expressing individuality and uniqueness of each designs created, using its approach in making each building to fully relate to its variables like man, site, climate and time thus making each building unique and unrepeatable designs. Organic architecture enables every parts of a building design to work together in a cohesive way to create a complement to the natural environment.

In organic architecture, the basic focus is about planning with nature in consideration; therefore, no two designs are treated the same way as they would be incorporated into different environment. Organic buildings blend with nature and they are purely difficult to separate from their natural environment as they are seen as one unique whole. Building designs are not done like a SHELL and RIGID PIECE where you force your way into but as a FREE, FLEXIBLE, ADAPTABLE designs that fit perfectly into its environment acting as AN ELEGANCE to the natural elements not inelegance.


Any act or design approach that does not promote effective living in harmony with nature is an act of terrorism on Mother Nature as it will make the natural environment and the gifts of nature to deplete over time so much that the human race will be at risk when nature fights back. To avoid natural disasters, it is of good to live in harmony with nature, to design and build man-made structures that are at peace with the natural environment and are not forced on it. Do not force a building design on a site; let the site decide what is to be built on it. 

Any attempt to design or build any man-made structure that is not in sync with the natural environment or blend with its climate and building materials is an act of terrorism on Nature and this is worse than any terrorist acts ever known.

It is not only the terrorists destroying man-made structures, natural habitats and killing humans with guns and bombs that are terrorizing this world, any individual or environmentalist who do not embrace Organic Architecture is also a terrorist since humans are being killed gradually by living in sick buildings, buildings that are not environmentally friendly, buildings that use materials that are dangerous to human health and the natural environment for examples, most buildings nowadays are being built with no respect for the natural environment, built with the use of paints with high V.O.C, using sources of energy that are contributing to global warming, not conserving the natural elements on site, having edifice with no room for gracious landscape that increases outdoor and indoor air quality, not using sustainable building materials that protects the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs, failing to obey planning laws and safety principles in buildings and failing to plan buildings with the general climate and its micro climate.

In organic architecture, Buildings are not designed to force themselves on the environment or to terrorize the natural elements by standing as a disgrace to the landscape or as an alien in the natural surroundings but they are designed to be supplementary part of the landscape and harmonious balance with the environment.


(1)   Climate change – Global warming – Part of the adverse effect of not living in harmony with nature is global warming, an effect that has to do with increase in green house gases
(2)   Environmental degradation – This involves habitat destruction, eutrophication, e,t,c 
(3)   Problem with environmental health – this includes reduction in quality of outdoor and indoor air, lung diseases, asthma, sick building syndrome e.t.c
(4)   Land degradation – land pollution, soil problem, desertification e.t.c.
(5)   Ozone depletion
(6)   Natural resources depletion
(7)   Natural species extinction E.t.c.


Organic architecture is a design approach that promotes the harmonious living of man-made structures and the natural environment and one that can be used in solving environmental problem, this design approach involves;

( 1)   A respect for nature and natural materials (e.g. Wood should be wood and must not be compromised)

(  2)   Blending building design to its surrounding environment (a house to be built on the hill should look like part of the hill and not PERCHED on it e.g. FALLING WATER, adapting a building design to its climate)

(  3)  Creating man-made structures that have little or no negative impact on the natural environment thus having a harmonious ecosystem where the natural elements are not being terrorized by the built structures.

(  4)  An honest EXPRESSION of the function of the BUILDING (a Bank should not look like a Greek temple)

(  5)  Making an organic FORM that is beyond merely green and one which is not an alien in its natural environment

Using these design approach of organic architecture will promotes living in harmony with nature and reduce the negative impact of buildings on the natural environment.


(1)   There are no room for bad building design as any organic building is being inspired by nature

(2)    It Brings us closer to nature thus making us more healthy and creating a sustainable ecosystem where all live in harmony with nature

(3)   Encourages Safer development- With organic architecture design approach, nature is not endangered by what we build on it because the man-made structures are planned and built to complement natural environments, conserve natural resources and make use of available natural materials

(4)   It can be seen as a democratic rule on our environments as organic buildings are not forcefully imposed on their site but are effectively incorporated into the site.

(5)   Organic buildings reduces the risk of negative impacts a building can have on the environment due to human activities

(6)   Organic buildings avoid preconceived design approach practiced by some architects since no 2 buildings can be treated the same way, each buildings are designed to be unique and functional on its own site, fully integrated into its micro climate.

(7)   Organic buildings have passion for nature; have natural forms, life and flow of energy between. In an organic buildings, we feel free and in sync with our inner selves

(8)   It is the bedrock for sustainable architecture - sustainability is defined as meeting the present needs without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs. The kind of architecture that embraces this principle is called Sustainable Architecture. Sustainable buildings are environmentally friendly and have little or no negative effect on the natural environment. Sustainability in architecture is achieved by building green and employing organic architecture design approach by making the building the native of its environment and not an alien in its natural environment. To fully achieve a well designed and well built sustainable building, organic architecture principles must be fully incorporated into such design.

I will conclude this article with the words of Frank Lloyd Wright on the day he introduced Organic Architecture to the whole world. “So here I stand before you preaching ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE: declaring organic architecture to be the modern ideas and the teaching so much needed if we are to see the whole of life, holding no traditions essential to the great TRADITION. Nor cherishing any preconceived form fixing upon us either past, present or future but – instead – exalting the simple laws of common sense – or of super sense if you prefer, determining form by way of nature of materials”. Simply put, if we must enjoy the whole of life and get tranquility for our body, souls and spirit from Mother Nature, then embracing the teachings of Organic Architecture will be of greatest need for us to find optimum solace in our NATURAL ENVIRONMENT.

Using Organic Architecture as an approach in solving design problems is of common sense because we are creatures of nature and any architecture that conforms to nature should be appealing to us. Do not force a building on its site, let the nature decides as that will create a unique master piece that will be a GRACE to both its landscape and its occupants and not a disgrace.

If you must forget everything in this article, do not forget these words “LIVING IN HARMONY WITH NATURE” as it is the only way we can fully live, work more healthily and enjoy the spirit of freeness in our environment. 


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